
  • Dalla scuola al mondo del lavoro: percorsi di transizione di giovani con background migratorio.

    Dalla scuola al mondo del lavoro: percorsi di transizione di giovani con background migratorio.

    Giovani adulti della seconda generazione ed esperti del settore scolastico, sociale ed economico descrivono le difficoltà nella ricerca di un lavoro, non riconducibili a una scarsa conoscenza linguistica o alla mancanza di qualifiche professionali. Pubblicazione di Eurac Research, Istituto sui diritti delle minoranze, 2019.

  • Unlocking the Potential of Migrants - OECD cross-country analysis

    Unlocking the Potential of Migrants - OECD cross-country analysis

    This report provides advice to governments and other stakeholders who are seeking to use VET to promote integration, in particular for young humanitarian migrants.
    Among the millions of asylum seekers who recently arrived in OECD countries, the majority are young people who may be able to take advantage of vocational education and training (VET) opportunities to help them enter skilled employment. While the study draws particularly on policy and practice observed in Germany, Italy, Sweden and Switzerland, it also highlights other international practices. The report focuses on the main channels through which migrants succeed in VET. It is essential that migrants are fully informed about the opportunities VET provision offers and that they have access to high quality preparatory programmes enabling access to upper-secondary VET. Once in such provision, targeted support should help them to complete VET programmes successfully. OECD countries are putting in place innovative measures to achieve better outcomes for both migrants and for economies as a whole. Ultimately this report argues that VET systems can become stronger, more flexible and more inclusive, when working better for all students, including those with diverse and vulnerable backgrounds.

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  • Guida pratica per richiedenti protezione internazionale

    Guida pratica per richiedenti protezione internazionale

    Ora disponibile in 12 lingue.
    La Guida pratica per richiedenti protezione internazionale in Italia ha il compito di illustrare tutte le fasi della procedura di protezione internazionale, i criteri con cui viene valutata la domanda, i diritti e doveri del richiedente oltre a fornire contatti e recapiti utili per agevolare l’accesso alle informazioni.

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