Beni culturali in Alto Adige

Rete Civica dell’Alto Adige - Il portale della Pubblica Amministrazione

Kilgoris Kenya

Aufnahmen des Josefsmissionars Ferdinand Fent über den Alltag im St. Joseph's Mission Hospital in Kilgoris (Kenia) in der Diözese Ngong.

Hintergrundinfo: "Ngong Diocese: Evangelizing the Maasai The Heart of Missionary Activity in Maasai Land": "The formation of Ngong diocese in the late 50’s can be attributed to Fr Ferdinand Fent a Mill Hill Missionary from Kisumu Diocese, who worked at Kaplong and would occasionally visit Kilgoris. He saw the need of penetrating the interior of Maasai land which had been left out by other missionaries during the colonial times. Fr Fent through the Mill Hill Missionaries requested Rome to create a missionary area in the region which at that time was under Kisumu Diocese that was also managed by the Mill Hill Missionaries. In 1959 the Holy See accepted the request and later appointed John De Reeper, then Bishop of Kisumu to take care of the new Prefecture Apostolic of Ngong that was hived from Kisumu Diocese." (

Denominazione oggetto:
Numero d'inventario:
Fent, Ferdinand
1960 - 1979
Luogo raffigurato:
Kilgoris, Kenia, Africa
filmato (positivo, pellicola normale 8 mm)
Archivio audiovisivo di storia contemporanea
lunghezza 9 min
Parola chiave:
Missione, Chiesa cattolica, Missionar, Missionierung, Evangelisierung, Missionarswesen, Quotidianità, Clinica, Gesundheitswesen


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